Friday, January 7, 2011

Because I forget stuff

I found a cool scarf pattern that I want to use for my winter scarf but there's an error in the pattern, so I'm rewriting it here because I'll forget it's wrong and mess up my scarf.

CO 52 sts
Row 1: P10, K6, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K6, P10
Row 2: (right side) K2, C4F twice, P6, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P6, K2, C4F twice
Row 3: P10, K6, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K6, P10
Row 4: C4B twice, K2, P5, T3B, (T4F, T4B) twice, T3F, P5, C4B twice, K2
Row 5: P10, K5, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K5, P10
Row 6: K2, C4F twice, P4, T3B, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3F, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 7: P10, K4, P2, K4, (P4, K4) twice, P2, K4, P10
Row 8: C4B twice, K2, P4, K2, P3, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F, P3, K2, P4, C4B twice, K2
Row 9: P10, K4, (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice, K4, P10
Row 10: K2, C4F twice, P4, (K2, P3) twice, C4B, (P3, K2) twice, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 11: P10, K4, (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice, K4, P10
Row 12: C4B twice, K2, P4, K2, P3, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B, P3, K2, P4, C4B twice, K2
Row 13: P10, K4, P2, K4, (P4, K4) twice, P2, K4, P10
Row 14: K2, C4F twice, P4, T3F, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3B, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 15: P10, K5, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K5, P10
Row 16: C4B twice, K2, P5, T3F, (T4B, T4F) twice, T3B, P5, C4B twice, K2
Repeat these 16 rows until desired length.

two C4Bs needed to be changed to C4Fs in row 6 and 14 or else the cables don't look right. Here's what the scarf looks like

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