Sunday, January 30, 2011

stitch markers, thrummed mittens and behavioral neuroscience labs

Since school started I've been pretty busy with stuff so there hasn't really been much to update about....

I started making a pair of thrummed mittens which are really fun, I'm afraid I'll run out of yarn before they're finished though, hopefully that won't happen. That's one of the bad things about using handspun hand dyed yarn, if you run out there isn't any more in that color.

Here's the pattern I'm using for the mittens This line absolutely terrified me Next Round: Knit to last 11 sts. Slip next 10 sts onto stitch holder for thumb. Cast on 10 sts. k1. Continue until mitt but I've started to learn that things are usually as simple as they seem to be, all I had to do was slip those 10 stitches and cast 10 onto the right needle and knit the last one and keep going, I don't know why it seemed so scary at first. 


That one kind of reminds me of sea worms... 

 The thumb worked!

Friday, January 21, 2011

spinning cotton balls! (so annoying)

As a completely crazy person I decided that it's a good idea to try spinning cotton balls... what a pain in the butt. I'll get it eventually though it's got a weird feeling to it and it falls apart super easily. Overall it's pretty fun and I'm going to work on it slowly when I have time to play with it. Here's some photos (big surprise!) of the adventure so far...

They were kind of rolled up into what looks like little strips of roving

Here it is unrolled

This is what I got... on the left is unplyed and on the right is plyed 

I would suggest not doing this unless you're crazy

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

my first time microwave dyeing with kool-aid

I took the big chunky singles I made the other day and microwave dyed them, it's really simple... you literally just fill a bowl with water and kool-aid and pop it in the microwave for 4 minutes at a time until the water is clear and you're done! I should start making youtube videos about this stuff one of these days

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I've got a little non yarn news that I'm just way too excited about... I got my first choice undergraduate research position working in a cognition lab! but now for yarn stuff

I've been super curious about silk cocoons for a while now, I like these youtube videos a lot

so after days and days of wandering around etsy and google and all over the internet I finally bought these on etsy, this seller is wonderful she actually sent me 76 cocoons when my order was for 50! how awesome is that?

They came today! they're so cute and they're a lot sturdier than I expected them to be... I'll probably spend a while longer wandering around the internet looking for information before I actually do anything with these adorable little cocoons but when I finally do something I'll take lots of photos as usual!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm kinda boring

I've hit a bit of a lull, nothing really exciting to babble about. I'm just making tons of plain pretty white merino yarn for a scarf I want to make myself. I'll add some photos later, for now I need to clean up the explosion that happened in my living room when I half unpacked.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Frankenstein's monster electric spinning wheel

I have a really cool grandpa, probably the coolest ever. He made me an electric spinning wheel and it's so awesome, it's based on the electric eel wheel but it uses a sewing machine motor so it has a foot pedal. There's random holes in it and epoxy and hot glue everywhere but I think it's pretty badass. I'm pretty sure this is going to be V1.0 and it is eventually going to be rebuilt with a pretty box and less glue all over the place but for now I like it.

This spinning wheel is a hilarious contrast to the wheel I already have. My daily wheel is a kromski sonata which is an absolutely beautiful full sized wheel with a walnut finish.

Here are some photos of my new monster.

It's kind of hard to tell from the photos, it's basically a wooden box with a motor screwed onto the side, that motor is attached to the giant flyer which has a huge bobbin on it. There are straps on the side which I can put over my shoulder and it hangs like a messanger bag. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

playing with plying

In my quest to not have extra yarn on one bobbin while plying (so annoying) I've been trying out different plying methods. I tried N-plying and it definitely has it's uses, like if the yarn has big chunks of color... but for every day plying I'm not a huge fan. It leaves little bumps in the yarn and kind of hurts my back because you have to do a lot of moving (which is why I switched from a drop spindle to a wheel). My friend Jack told me to check out Andean plying and I found this youtube video!

I basically adopted it for a wheel, instead of turning the bracelet into a center pulled ball (I HATE those! they always make a mess) I wrapped it back onto one of my kromski bobbins and than plyed on my wheel.  The only things that are annoying are because of how I hold yarn while plying (I separate the two strands between my fingers, so they don't start getting twisty until after my hand) it kind of knotted up behind my fingers a little and I had to stop separating the strands and just pull the yarn through my fingers tightly to keep it from bunching up. Also you don't get a huge bobbin of yarn like you do going from two full 4oz bobbins. Overall I liked it way better than the two bobbin method for my own yarn but if I'm selling it I'll stick with two bobbins because people tend to like bigger skeins.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

navajo plying.. so weird

Today I decided to give navajo plying a shot, I keep hearing about how great it is. Here's what I came up with... it's pretty messy and I had a tough time with this first little batch. I'm considering using some commercial yarn and running it through my spinning wheel to practice because I hate wasting wool.

These 3 youtube videos are what I watched (and in this order) before I attempted it myself. I feel like the last video helped a lot but would have been useless without the first one.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This yarn has been a beast

I've been trying to make this yarn since the day after christmas, for some reason spinning it has been a giant pain in the butt but I finally finished yesterday. I didn't weigh it yet but it should weigh 4.0oz and it came out to be 240 yards.

Now I just need to set the twist and make it all pretty so I can put it up on etsy :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Because I forget stuff

I found a cool scarf pattern that I want to use for my winter scarf but there's an error in the pattern, so I'm rewriting it here because I'll forget it's wrong and mess up my scarf.

CO 52 sts
Row 1: P10, K6, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K6, P10
Row 2: (right side) K2, C4F twice, P6, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P6, K2, C4F twice
Row 3: P10, K6, P4, (K4, P4) twice, K6, P10
Row 4: C4B twice, K2, P5, T3B, (T4F, T4B) twice, T3F, P5, C4B twice, K2
Row 5: P10, K5, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K5, P10
Row 6: K2, C4F twice, P4, T3B, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3F, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 7: P10, K4, P2, K4, (P4, K4) twice, P2, K4, P10
Row 8: C4B twice, K2, P4, K2, P3, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F, P3, K2, P4, C4B twice, K2
Row 9: P10, K4, (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice, K4, P10
Row 10: K2, C4F twice, P4, (K2, P3) twice, C4B, (P3, K2) twice, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 11: P10, K4, (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice, K4, P10
Row 12: C4B twice, K2, P4, K2, P3, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B, P3, K2, P4, C4B twice, K2
Row 13: P10, K4, P2, K4, (P4, K4) twice, P2, K4, P10
Row 14: K2, C4F twice, P4, T3F, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3B, P4, K2, C4F twice
Row 15: P10, K5, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K5, P10
Row 16: C4B twice, K2, P5, T3F, (T4B, T4F) twice, T3B, P5, C4B twice, K2
Repeat these 16 rows until desired length.

two C4Bs needed to be changed to C4Fs in row 6 and 14 or else the cables don't look right. Here's what the scarf looks like

roving inventory

I just cleaned up my roving collection, pre-drafting and rolling it all into little nests except my giant bag of merino. Looking at all my roving in one place made me feel like one of those crazy people who just buys more stuff then they could ever use in their lives. I should do some spinning today

since I like photos here's the giant pile of bags I ended up with

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

lining the Sean scarf

This scarf is taking FOREVER, it's fun to knit but I feel like I've been working on it for so many hours and I'm still less than half done, it's about 3 feet long right now. I made the lining for the scarf today for a few reasons, to stop knitting for a little while and because I wasn't sure how long I could make the lining so I figured that should get finished first.

Sean and I found a 12 dollar flannel shirt at walmart and he liked the idea of putting pockets into the back of the scarf so we got it. Here's some photos of me cutting it up on my bedroom floor and almost cutting my brother's DS charger cable in half because it was on the floor too. oops

The back of the shirt 
These are the sleeves and the collar that got cut off, this is the part that ended up as scraps (no idea what to do with it)

here's the usable parts

So I took the usable parts and hemmed it all, sewed it together while trying to line up the stripes as nicely as possible and this is what I got, one panel ended up a little uneven.

- Jen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the cabled scarf

Today I learned a little more about making cables pretty, loose stitching isn't really the answer. I thought that making the stitches really loose would make the cable look better because it wouldn't pull so much but it turns out that really isn't the case, if you count up from the bottom of the scarf, cables 1-4 were made pretty tightly and 5-7 were made loosely, I think tight looks better even if it is a little harder to knit.

My first cabled scarf!

The progress of this scarf can be followed on here:

yesterday I picked up a few cable needles at michaels, they look like this

So I wanted to try cabling, I heard it's not so tough so I went on youtube which was surprisingly not helpful at all, I might make my own cabling tutorial video for people who like seeing everything really spelled out, that's how I like tutorials.

After some digging on ravelry  I found this simple pattern that I really liked, easy to follow, no weird abbreviations that aren't explained, nothing confusing. Even without a good video I was able to follow it... the only thing that confused me a little until I got started was I wasn't sure which end of the cabling needle you slip the stitches off it, like if you twist it around and use the other side or just slip them back on. The correct answer is you just slip them from the cabling needle to the needle you're knitting from in the order they were originally, no twisting or weird stuff involved. 

Here's the pattern

CO 34
1) p2,k2,p2,k8,p2,k2,p2,k8,p2,k2,p2
2) k2,p2,k2,p8,k2,p2,k2,p8,k2,p2,k2
3) repeat round 1
4) repeat round 2
5) p2,k2,p2,slip next 4 sts onto cable needle,move cable needle to back of work,k4,k4 off cable needle,p2,k2,p2,slip next 4 sts onto cable needle,move cable needle to back of work,k4,k4 off cable needle,p2,k2,p2
6) k2,p2,k2,p8,k2,p2,k2,p8,k2,p2,k2

Repeat Rows 1-6 until scarf measures desired length.
Cast off.

I'm making it with size 10 needles and a giant ball of handspun yarn I made for my boyfriend.

This ball of yarn has been the biggest pain in the ass of any yarn I've made so far, I tried making it as singles and they were just too thin but I didn't realize it until I made about 600 yards of it and set the twist in all of it, so I plyed the whole mess and reset the twist and it came out really soft and nice which is a HUGE relief.

Here's what I have so far after some messing around

This is the big pain in the ass ball of yarn I'm using, it weighs about 11.25 oz and at this point I have no idea how many yards it is.

I'm making this scarf for my fantastic boyfriend as a late Christmas present and once it's done I intend to line the reverse side with some soft warm blue fabric, which I don't have yet. Also I had no idea cabling looked weird from one side and pretty from the other... I kind of just assumed it was reversible

First post!

So I've blogged before and it never sticks, but here's to trying again. I spin my own yarn and knit and all this blog is going to be is me talking about that, and maybe some random crap.