I started making a pair of thrummed mittens which are really fun, I'm afraid I'll run out of yarn before they're finished though, hopefully that won't happen. That's one of the bad things about using handspun hand dyed yarn, if you run out there isn't any more in that color.
Here's the pattern I'm using for the mittens This line absolutely terrified me Next Round: Knit to last 11 sts. Slip next 10 sts onto stitch holder for thumb. Cast on 10 sts. k1. Continue until mitt but I've started to learn that things are usually as simple as they seem to be, all I had to do was slip those 10 stitches and cast 10 onto the right needle and knit the last one and keep going, I don't know why it seemed so scary at first.
That one kind of reminds me of sea worms...
The thumb worked!